Ok, so His grace is enough!

Although I have not blogged in a while, it is because I have been learning that yes…His grace is enough. It has not been because I have been studying the bible day in and day out. Or ministering to hundreds of people on a daily basis. It is because I have been spending time with Christ living in me!

When I was being distracted with a bunch of busyness in the church building, I said all the right things, and did a lot of mimicking, but that is just what it was, motions. Now things are different; much different. Once I realized that I have the God of the universe living right here inside of me, there is no more room for me asking Him to come, or falling down at His feet because how do you do that to someone who lives inside you? I have come to realize that many so-called men of God refuse to understand this truth, and therefore, are not reconciled to our loving Father. The sad thing about it is because of their knowledge and training, many saints give them preeminence over the Spirit living inside them.

Something beautiful I want to share with you brothers and sisters is a story of two of our dearest friends that we had a small separation with for a time. When we became friends, we all knew that Poppa was going to use us for His glory together. Then when we stepped out of the church, and understood the measure of His grace, and were released from our sin-conscience, and became fully reconciled to Father, we were ministering this truth to them, and it has split us up for a bit. We kept trying to talk about with them, sending letters and such, til finally nothing. We have not heard from them for 4 or five months.

Well lo’ and behold, who do we get a call from the other night, but our friend. It is a couple you see, and the wife called us because apparently, Poppa had finally gotten through to the husband, and he told her to call. Sometimes it may take a while, but our Father is faithful, and for those saints that are listening to the spirit living inside them, they will hear. It was an awesome lesson for me to wait on the Lord, because His grace is definitely enough to make His word not return void!

It is so wonderful to be fully in His grace which is more than enough for this saint!

Blessings brothers and sisters…..Lisa

About OneSpiritOneLordOneGod

I am a new creation with a new heart given to me by my Father in heaven through the Lord Jesus Christ!
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2 Responses to Ok, so His grace is enough!

  1. I have Also learned this Lisa 🙂 you cannot force the truth on a person. we have to wait for the HolySpirit to deal with them. thnx Lisa.


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